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Advanced file comparison utility

Devart | 107 more apps |
updated on August 16, 2024
12.5mb | trialware


Compare three files at once
Support for version control systems
Can be used as a standalone app, from command-line, or integrated into Visual Studio or Windows Explorer


Some features are only available in Pro version
Price: $
Code Compare is a file comparison utility. It supports comparison of up to three files at once and integration with version control systems, like SVN and Git. It can be used to compare two files with changes made to version control system, allowing programmers to easily identify commit errors. In addition, whole folders can be compared at once, with the possibility to include or exclude certain file types.

Text can be merged between files with a single click, and when comparing folders, compared files are listed in a folder tree, where modified, added or deleted files are colored with different colors.

For comparing source code changes and syntax highlighting, there are many popular programming languages supported, including Java, HTML, C++ and others. Intellisense and comparison by structure is supported when comparing files containing source code. Furthermore, similar lines are detected, and white spaces, new lines, comments and different cases can be ignored.

Multiple file comparisons can be opened at once, as it comes with a tabbed interface. It also comes with its own editor, with search and bookmark support, in which all blocks of text with differences are colored, specific changes within lines of code are highlighted, and moved blocks of code are detected. In addition, it also supports code comments, which can be useful for teams of programmers working on the same code.

It can be used as a standalone app, from command-line, or integrated into Visual Studio or Windows Explorer. Hotkeys, fonts, coloring and some other options can be changed as well, while shortcuts, toolbars, windows, and other personalized settings, can be also exported for later use.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• .NET Framework 4.0, 4.5 or 4.6 installed

Licence limitations

• 30-day trial

Previous versions

Operating system


Supported languages



Total: 93
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